ID cards are a great way to promote your organization, increase public awareness, and add new members. Be sure to apprise organization members of how their ID cards can be used to maximum benefit. ID cards have a wide range of use from security to employee discounts and best of all you can make them in-house with the use of a card printer. This is especially true if the organization is internationally based.

What You Should Consider Before Using ID Cards

Before issuing cards consider how they will be used and how they should “not” be used. For example, if your organization’s policies do not allow members to use these cards to promote their personal businesses, the cards should indicate this in fine print. A card printer can provide this service at the time of the first printing. It is also advisable to fully discuss the purpose and use of these cards with membership to avoid potential problems.

Stress the Point of Cards for Your Organization

On the positive side of the use of cards, members should be provided with a list of associations and businesses who will accept the cards as proof of membership. These are also quite helpful for civic and charitable organizations that frequently provide services to the public. It is important to stress the point of identification cards to members so they can find additional uses for them.

The cards also serve as an identification of the organization’s services and validate the volunteer/members involved in related events and presentations to the public. In organizations where raising funds is a major part of their responsibilities, a member is quickly identified and validated by potential donors. If the cards will be used for security purposes, you should create a general security guide that includes how to use them, which areas are off-limits, and other procedures.

What Information is Essential to Identification Cards?

A card printer provides a basic template for identification cards. Specific information a card printer may require includes:
. A signature line for each organization member
. Contact name(s), phone number(s) or email(s) for verification purposes
. Formal logo of the organization
. Licensing or permit numbers if applicable

The Style and Design of Identification Cards

Some card printers may already have a template for established organizations. If this is a new organization, discuss the style and design of the card to ensure they effectively communicate the message of the group. Cards should be designed for quick recognition when presented to the public. This is especially important for relatively new organizations that need to build their public image and increase membership, patrons and donors.

The Cards Are Printed, What Next?

The first step after the initial issues of cards are printed is to ensure all members in good standing are provided with their card. These cards may also be distributed in new member packets as part of the new members’ introduction to the organization.
